Friday, November 29, 2019

How well does Shell fulfil the needs of its stakeholders Essay Example

How well does Shell fulfil the needs of its stakeholders Essay A stakeholder is any individual or group which has a stake in a company. They therefore include the employees, suppliers, creditors, customers, shareholders and local communities that are affected by the actions of the business. I will be investigating whether Shell is able to fulfil all the needs of it stakeholders, by using secondary data collected from the company website and newspaper articles, in order to evaluate whether Shell has adopted either the stakeholder concept or the shareholder concept, and from this I will evaluate whether there are any conflicts between the stakeholders of Shell. If a business adopts the shareholders concept, this means that the main and sole objective of the business is to maximise the value of the company, so in practice the management tries to make the shareholders as much profit as possible. Therefore any decisions that the management makes is in the interests of the stakeholders, which means that the business avoids conflicting objectives. The advantages of this are that, in the short term, the business may be able to improve its short term profitability, as they do not make any philanthropic donations, or spend money trying to satisfy any stakeholders. The stakeholder concept has more objectives than just making the shareholders as much profit as possible, although this still remains one of the goals of the business, and the business attempts to fulfil the needs of all groups and individuals who are connected to the business. More and more businesses are adopting this concept, because it can improve a business reputation, and therefore give it a competitive advantage and can also attract socially responsible investors. However, problems can arise when the views of one stakeholder clash with the views of another. Royal Dutch Shell (or Shell) is a multinational group of energy and petrochemical companies, which has bases in over 130 countries and more than 108,000 employees. It describes itself as a company that operates in environmentally and socially responsible ways, safely and profitably, however its competitive advantage is in its innovative methods of exploration and production of chemicals, as its reputation is still being built, due to a lot of controversy that has surrounded Shell for decades. We will write a custom essay sample on How well does Shell fulfil the needs of its stakeholders specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on How well does Shell fulfil the needs of its stakeholders specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on How well does Shell fulfil the needs of its stakeholders specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Shell wants to be seen as a socially responsible business that takes into account all the needs of its stakeholders, for example by looking for alternative sources of energy to replace finite resources, such as petrol. It is one of the biggest private sector organisations in the world, and in terms of operating profit, in 2006 it was the third most profitable company according to newspaper report, after making just over $26 million dollars after taxation. It 5 Year Financial Summary also shows that its income before taxation has increased every year from 2002 to 2006, and in fact has increased by over 155% in the past five years. This shows that investors are happy, because they are being rewarded for their investment by gaining a substantial profit, which has grown largely due to rocketing oil and fuel prices. Shells record profits were largely due to record oil prices, especially in petrol, where the price topped a dollar barrel. Furthermore, the growth of production in Nigeria has helped to increase profits of the largest European oil company. In fact Shell was one of the only major oil companies to turn a profit in the 2nd quarter of 2007 (April to June), after a fall in profits was expected due to a 2% decrease in production. Furthermore, earnings per share have increased by over 168% in the past 5 years, which shows that the value of their investment is improving continuously. However, the controversy surrounding Shell often leads to a fall in share prices, for example when Shell overstated its oil reserves by 20%, which caused investor anger, and a lot of selling of shares, which decreased the companies market value by $15 billion. A record profit is good news for employees, as if the company is growing, and then there is more money to explore for oil and gas, which means that their jobs are more secure. An example is Shells i 350 million investment programme for investments in Scotland, which it says will safeguard 300 jobs and create 100 new contractor jobs. Furthermore, Shell tried to address it social Royal Dutch Shells website says it recognises that employees are also a valuable stakeholder in the company and that their opinions are of the utmost importance, so it has a very democratic style in that it tries to listen to all employees and discuss are held before decisions are made, as they believe that that this management style is the best fit for their company. Shell published a document in 2000 called People and Principles, in which it emphasised how its beliefs in being a socially responsible company, which attracted a lot of graduates into the company. However, since then Shell has gained a lot of bad publicity, especially as they are often in trouble over employee safety, such as their operations in the North Sea of the coast of Scotland, where lapses in safety procedures have caused a variety of complaints to be made. Concerns have been raised by unions about the decrease in key personnel since Shell announced the sale of the instillations, which could leave staff unable to manage in the case of an emergency. Another example is the danger faced by their workers in Nigeria, due to pipeline explosions and the kidnap of oil workers in the Delta region. Fears have grown among employees and this in turn affects Shells share prices, which is bad news for investors as well. Despite the fact that Shell claims to get their resources in the most environmentally responsible way, they are often at loggerheads with another stakeholders, the environmentalists, because although Shell has more than one objective, the environmentalists only have one, to protect the environment, and Shell continues to be heavily criticised for its environmental record. An example of this is in late July this year; Shell announced that they were to begin drilling for oil in the arctic, off the shore off Alaska, America. Environmentalists believe that the impact of drilling on the wildlife (such as bowhead whales) would be catastrophic; however Shell (and its shareholders) opposed this. Furthermore, Russia has threatened to revoke Shells license for the development of oil and gas skills, due to what they believe to be Shells inability to address the safety concerns surrounding their Sakhalin project. Added to this, the Argentine government ordered Shell to shut down one of its refineries in Buenos Aires, as they discovered that the site didnt have the correct environmental permits and had failed to conduct the necessary impact studies. Action was taken after government inspections uncovered soil pollution and the Argentine government also accused Shell of illegally taking water from a local estuary. On all occasions, Royal Dutch Shell has fiercely defended itself, however the frequency of the allegations has damaged the reputation Shell has tried to build, as an ethically responsible company, and further disillusioned environmentalists about how socially responsible Shell is. Overall, I believe that for such a competitive industry such as energy and chemicals, and with such a large company such as Shell, it is inevitable that there will be some clashes between stakeholders (such as the environmentalists and the stakeholders), because they all have different aims. I also believe that is impossible for Shell to fulfil all the needs of its stakeholders, because clashes between stakeholders means Shell often has to side with one or a group of stakeholders, which at the moment seems to be the shareholders. I believe Shell must do more to prove that it is a socially responsible company, in order to satisfy the needs of more of its stakeholders, for example doing more to address safety concerns and increasing the investment in local communities in the countries where it explores for oil and gas, and increasing the amount of money it puts into making its process as environmentally friendly as possible. Although, initially this would cost some money, the shareholders would eventually see a return in the longer term, because the benefits of building a reputation as a socially responsible company would attract a lot of new customers. Furthermore, it would attract the best graduates to the company, and would mean fewer disputes with local communities and governments, which would not only save money but also benefit Shells reputation.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Plagiarism

. The student paraphrased too closely to the original work, or that the quotation marks were forgotten. There was no malice or intent to cheat by the student. The punishment would also be redefined; the student would have their grade for the paper lowered or they could get an ‘F’ for the paper, but would not fail the class. By redefining plagiarism, teachers would only need to spend their extra time on the students that truly stole someone else’s work and not spend their time on the students who made an unintentional mistake. In today’s busy world, everyone is going here and there and students are no different. They have jobs, classes, clubs, sports, family responsibilities and friends. Students ... Free Essays on Plagiarism Free Essays on Plagiarism As defined by The American Heritage College Dictionary, the term plagiarize means â€Å"to use and pass off (the ideas or writings of another) as one’s own; to appropriate for use as one’s own passages or ideas from (another).† Plagiarism is an issue facing schools worldwide, especially since the Internet has become available for student use. Consequences of plagiarism range from failing the paper to being expelled from the student’s high school or university. Students may now go online and find millions of copies of papers and essays already written. Websites such as,,, and many others offer students in any grade papers already written for either free or a price. They may also order a custom written essay from some websites. Using â€Å"cheat sites,† such as, can be an easy way for teachers to spot students that have plagiarized. Most of the essays available on these cheat sites are of a different quality than that of what the student should be writing at. Many high school students attempt to turn in essays that are written on a collegiate level and vice versa. The Internet can be exceptionally helpful on one hand, yet extremely harmful on the other. Students have the advantage of looking up information for reports and essays much quicker than reading through numerous textbooks. This allows the student to do most research at home, as many students have computers and Internet access at home. They also do not have to worry about getting to the library in time to read through encyclopedias, textbooks, and other research books. However, teachers must always be on the lookout for different forms of plagiarism when allowing students to use the Internet. There are many things teachers can do to help avoid plagiarism in their classrooms. Teachers should always post their rules of Internet usage on the bulletin board or in the front of the classroom to avoid any... Free Essays on Plagiarism Plagiarism In high school and college, plagiarism is on the rise and administrators believe this is bad, immoral and unethical. They believe it is stealing someone else’s ideas, their hard work, research, time, and that a student does not learn if they plagiarize. There are several reasons why students choose to use the words and ideas of another rather than to author their own thoughts and words. If everyone were to take a different look at plagiarism, the number of reasons a student plagiarizes could be reduced. Plagiarism is defined as taking the work or ideas of someone else and passing it off as one’s own. If plagiarism were redefined to have two levels of offence and two levels of punishment, this would help teachers, administrators and students. The first level of plagiarism would be called plagiarism in the first-degree and defined as, copying the words and ideas of someone else and passing them off as their own, on purpose, with intent and malice. The punishment would be that the student would get an ‘F’ for the paper and fail the class. The second level of plagiarism would be plagiarism in the second-degree. This definition would be that there was no intention to copy someone else’s ideas or words. The student paraphrased too closely to the original work, or that the quotation marks were forgotten. There was no malice or intent to cheat by the student. The punishment would also be redefined; the student would have their grade for the paper lowered or they could get an ‘F’ for the paper, but would not fail the class. By redefining plagiarism, teachers would only need to spend their extra time on the students that truly stole someone else’s work and not spend their time on the students who made an unintentional mistake. In today’s busy world, everyone is going here and there and students are no different. They have jobs, classes, clubs, sports, family responsibilities and friends. Students ... Free Essays on Plagiarism Plagiarism In today’s society there are many excuses that student’s use regarding his or her â€Å"academic honesty†. Most students say that they are constantly tempted to turn in someone else’s work. Lack of time, ignorance, and parental, societal, and self-induced pressure to succeed are all motives behind the students’ willingness to plagiarize. However, do these factors justify the students’ willingness to participate in plagiarism? Many students today have other responsibilities outside of their schoolwork. Jobs, sports, family, and friends all seem to take out a big chunk of his or her free time. This may result in the student having to prioritize the events that go on in his everyday life. In many cases, this results in school assignments getting pushed to the bottom of the list. Once something is deemed as a low-priority task, it is often overlooked and frequently forgotten about until the bight before or the day that the assignment is due. This leads many to go into a panic mode and seek out desperate measures, such as plagiarizing. Nonetheless, this panicking can be easily avoided. Most teachers generously give assignments at least a week in advance, depending on the nature of the assignment. This is Manley 2 plenty of time to complete the assigned work. If a student were to do a little work each day then that would lessen the work, leaving plenty of time to socialize and engage in other activities. Another common excuse for plagiarizing is because students lack the appropriate time-management skills. This ties is almost directly related with having to prioritize events and tasks that take place in everyday life. Some continuously put things off, thinking, â€Å"I’ll do that later†. Students are expert procrastinators; they will continue to put off their assignments until is it absolutely essential for them to sit down and contemplate how they should begin. Often this revelation does not occu...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The law should be changed in order that compensation for personal Essay

The law should be changed in order that compensation for personal injury accidents is not based on the proof of fault - Essay Example There are three types of damages available under the tort law i.e. nominal, compensatory and punitive damages. Nominal damages are a symbolic reward and are awarded to the plaintiff where no actual harm is proven but liability for a tort is established. Punitive damages are awarded to punish and discourage egregious behavior. These are mostly awarded when a tort is proven to be committed with malice. The compensatory damages are awarded as indemnification for personal injury, property or an economic harm sustained by the victim. Compensatory damages have been under great criticism and are a topic of constant debate as there is no monetary equivalent for mental distress and pain. The â€Å"proof of fault† is an important element of tort law. It is an issue that requires attention and review. Before discussing it in detail, some problems of the law of tort are briefly discussed because the change in the system of â€Å"proof of fault† might be able to do away with these p roblems too. One of the major problems is that of lack of adequate damages. It is justifiable to award damages in respect of an economic loss because it is calculable. But there is no scale on which damages for pain and suffering can be calculated. It is probably due to this fact that the Courts award huge sums as damages in such cases. But these damages become excessive liabilities on the defendants. In Young v. Glasgow Tramway and Omnibus Company (Limited)3, the claimant was granted such damages which seemed excessive to the defendant. His motion for a new trial was denied and it was held that the damages were not excessive. In this case, Lord President Inglis explained that in order to grant a new trial for excessive damages, it must be established that the damages awarded are so extravagant that no other jury would repeat it.4 This was not the case here. In this case, it is very difficult for a third party to determine whether justice is served or not because there is no scale w hich can make a pecuniary measurement of the pain and suffering of a person. Cooter and Porat discussed the issue as to what should be the procedure of measuring the compensation for negligence by doctors and drivers.5 According to them, the Courts often follow a system of probability and percentage. The probability pertains to the probability that harm might be caused. The types of potential harms caused by the two parties are very different from each other as there is a contractual relationship between the doctors and patients and there is no such relation between the drivers and the victims. According to Cooter and Porat, there is a need to bring externalities into consideration while determining the amount of compensation. There is a possibility that there may be some externalities that prevent the defendants from the performance of their duty to care. The

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Civil Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Civil Rights - Essay Example This effort bought significant result in 1946 when busses were not allowed to be segregated any longer while crossing borders. Truman, the president of that time established a committee for the protection of civil rights. Shortly two years later discrimination in military was banned. Because of the fact that the government itself was working on civil rights and awareness was being created, in 1952 there was no unfortunate criminal incident that involved racism since 1881. Two years later government disallowed discrimination at school level. It was a phase shift for the white people to understand and accept the black people in their community. In 1955 Rosa Parks refused to give her seat in a public bus to a white man (Willis n.d.). This created issues with the white community and the black people stood up for their rights and called for an actual implementation of all civil rights laws passed in the past. In 1957 the black community selected leader named Dr. Martin King Luther to pres ent their demands to the government. The Little Rock High School did not allow the segregation of children due to which the Supreme Court passed a Bill declaring all such schools as unconstitutional. Then Federal Troops were used in different places to implement the law. Terrorist activities started resulting in bombing and killing black people and their children. The culprits were caught but they were not brought to justice soon. Riots began and people also protested peacefully. The result was that during sixties black people were allowed to vote openly. They also secured the right to marry in different races. Black people were given prominent positions in government offices. During the late 1960’s Martin Luther was assassinated. The fact that a lot of effort has been put to recognize the right of different races in the social and economic situation in the United States of America does not mean that the movement was successful. It is true that there are more black millionair es than there were in the past but the count of black people working is not very significant. This is an indicator that the movement failed and the economic system could not be formed in a way to accommodate equality based on race. In order to understand the plight of the black people in these times, we can assess it through a comparison of the quality of life that an average black child enjoys as compared to the Hispanic white children. The quality of life can be determined on three important parameters: the average income, life expectancy and the chances that a person gets in life. In all these dimensions, black children remain under privileged to date. They are nine times more likely to be a victim of homicide, five times more likely to be dependent on a single parent, mostly their mothers, 4.5 times more likely to live with some guardian, 2 times more chances that they are born to teenage mothers and that their parents have not even finished high school. There are times when peo ple expect more from the civil rights movement to return than they expect. They need to understand that the civil rights protection movement is all about taking the extra privileges from white people that they normally receive due to no other reason but because of their color or race. It is about treating the black community equally and not granting them extra

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Wall Street financial reform (2010) Research Paper

The Wall Street financial reform (2010) - Research Paper Example The passing of the law was aimed at making the financial system of the United States more accountable and transparent in order to avoid similar situations in future and ensure that there is a working system in place to protect the money belonging to tax payers (Kolb 112). The law included such major topics as the creation of a bureau for protection of consumer finances, creation of an oversight council for financial stability, the limitation of complex and large instruments of finance and transforming the derivative market to assume a more transparent image. The law also included the introduction of oversight and new requirements for the agencies dealing with credit rating. It also gave company shareholders a say concerning the bonuses paid to their chief executive officers. All these components targeted to strengthen the economy of the United States and protect the consumer against the increased shrewdness of the business world (Kolb 114). Way back in the year 1933, a law called the Glass-Steagall act had placed what was seen as a wall of complete separation between brokerages and banks. The act was largely repealed in 1999 by another act that was aimed at modernizing financial matters in the country. The restoration of the Glass-Steagall act was regarded by some commentators as very vital, with some of them referring to it as the most functional component in the reform of Wall Street. However, the Democratic Party leaders in the house refused to permit an amendment by Maurice Hinchey, a member of the Republican Party. The amendment was meant to restore the Glass-Steagall act as part of the Frank bill of 2009 (Pezzuto 67). Later on in 2009, Hinchey introduced the restoration act of the Glass-Steagall act as a separate bill proposal. Despite the politics that has played on the restoration of the act, the Volker rule, which was introduced by the administration of president Obama has been viewed as the twenty first century version of the Glass-Steagall act. The r ule establishes strict rules on banks against using their money in making risky investments. A few years earlier, in 2002, senator Sarbanes and representative Oxley proposed the Sarbanes-Oxley act. The act was a reaction to the escalating number of accounting and corporate scandals in the United States. Such scandals include the ones that affected Worldcom and Enron. The bill was signed into law by the then president of the United States, George Bush (Carney 48). During the enacting of the Wall Street financial reform act of 2010, the process brought political alignments mainly in the major political parties. The parties still had a large ideological separation since they had just come from an election, during which a large ideological rift had been created. By the Month of May 2010, the bill had been passed by both the senate and the house. However, there were differences in the version from the house and the one from the senate which was referred to the congressional conference co mmittee of the United States for harmonization. The differences that were to resolved in the bills included whether the proposed consumer protection agency was to be independent as suggested by the senate or an affiliate to the Federal Reserve as proposed by the house of representatives. Another difference was whether

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Corporate Management of Starbucks in Action

Corporate Management of Starbucks in Action Assignment 01: Explain how Starbucks was able to perform its operations around the globe, was it successful in performing its operations with existing operations and there is any need for Starbucks to move forward for joint ventures and strategic alliance. Introduction: In 1971, Starbucks started their journey and now they are operating more than 50 countries in the world. Their total number of store is about 16,706 in 16000 locations around the world. Most of them 8850 stores are operated by the company and the rest of them are licensed store.  [1]  Globalization is a movement toward economic, financial, trade, and connections integration globally. In broader sense, globalisation implies free transfer of capital, goods, and services across around the globe. In business context, cooperation and competitiveness both are embraced by globalization. Major perceptive of depending on each other and shared responsibilities at work across company and nationwide boundaries come from idea of cooperation. The awareness developed by the idea of competitiveness that cooperation without motivation is fruitless to failure and that only practical encouragement can continuous development and growth become a normal way of life.( Globalization of business: practic e and theory by Abbas Ali) Theory of international trade: The exchange of capital, goods, services across international borders or territories is basically international trade. The crucial to the persistence of globalization is in increasing of international trade. The lacking of international trade and it caused limited goods and services produced within their own borders. There are different model of international trade for the business. Ricardian model Ricardian model mainly take in consideration on comparative advantage it is one of the most important concept in international trade theory. In this model, give importance on countries specialization in producing most excellent. The major drawback of this theory is that does not believe factor endowments like labour and capital with respective to country. Heckscher-Ohlin model The Heckscher-Ohlin theory focuses that resources required for countries producing and exporting goods. Accoding to Heckscher-Ohlin theory, a country should used most plentiful and cheapest resources in producing and exporting goods. It has some core assumption: Capital and labour flow freely between sectors Labour and capital may vary between two countries (difference in endowments) Free trade Technology is the same diagonally countries (long-term) Tastes are same.  [i]   Current situation and performance of Starbucks: Starbucks has created a global chain in market industry around the world. This company is operating more than 50 countries and their estimated turnover is about $5300 million in each year. Their main product is coffee and demand of the product is increasing globally. Starbucks cafe is very reputed and around 30 million customer visit in each week. This is one of the credit sides for the Starbucks.  [2]  Currently Starbucks seems a rising part of their business and is going to become a leading global organisation in the world. Companys global market capturing and their effectiveness in ventures made them successful in achieving organizational goals. There are many countries where are operating their business. These are: Australia, Taiwan, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, United Kingdom, and the United States, Bahrain, Canada, Hong Kong, Israel, Japan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Malaysia, New Zealand, Oman, and Peoples Republic of China, Philippines, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Sou th Korea, and Switzerland. Their way of attracting customer attention is very important for the business to become worldwide brand that actually helping them to manage partnership of reputed company. This is positive side for Starbucks to move in future and its international market developments. This is one of the strengths for to be a foremost coffee retailer around the world.  [3]   Human resource management evaluation: Human resource management plays an important role in the organisation by managing human resource inside the organisation. In order to improve skills of employees requires learning. It does not matter how the candidate is, they can be best or 100% qualified. It can be solved by human resource management by implementing learning management system. (Beardwell Holden, 1997). Every employee should have the knowledge about the various processes that they can develop skill in specified area. They need to respond 100% in their job. Thats why human resource management and normal management need to cooperate with each other. The companys principle rules mainly focus on employees and how to guide them according to mission of the organisation. Moreover, Starbucks gives facilities to their employees by creating good work environment as well as treat with them with friendly. Starbucks also provide training to their employees for the enhancement of knowledge, attitudes and skills that they need to perform task supplied by the employer. Starbucks also motivate their employee to perform task well. They also informed to their employees about everything. Employees are also capable to work under pressure easily. They also evaluate their employees through various programs as well as developed their employees to compete globally. When they recruit people newly then they must provide training for them.  [4]   External environment analysis (opportunities and threats): Starbucks is operating in more than 30 countries around the globe including United States by Joint venture, licensing and entirely owned. For subsidiary company needs a lot of training, supervising, management assistance and technology transfer for the partner. Product innovation is very effective for them and it came out with new products. Starbucks also focused on diversification. It also entered into alliances with different company to serve coffee. International Business Expansion Strategies of Starbucks: Subsidiary   Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   Starbucks Coffee International Inc. started its journey as subsidiary of Starbucks which was formed in 1995.As a subsidiary it is liable to introduce improvement challenges beyond North America which combines stores planning and financing, logics and operational management, merchandising of business, improvisation of skilled and matured mangers of Starbucks international (Kotha and Glassman 2003) and introducing new strategy of business development. The international courses of expansion and strategies are managed by the International Starbucks as a separate owned subsidiary. Two strategies are followed when introducing in a brand new market. Licensing and joint venture are the chosen two.    International Joint Venture   Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   The joint venture introduces a strategy towards managerial liabilities .A strategy for new business entity comes with shared ownership which is implied by two or more farms. The agenda of venture strategy is mostly for short time period with some particular quoted mottoes. Starbucks (Briscoe and Schuler 2004) is an example of adopting such strategy in business internationally.(Schuler et al 2003) Two or more parent farms which deeply invest resources as well as financial momentum to convince particular aims that introduced International joint ventures(IJVs) which are different organizational entities both in legal and economical perspectives.   Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   Joint venture introduces a strategy towards managerial liabilities .A strategy for new business entity comes with shared ownership which is implied by two or more farms. The agenda of venture strategy is mostly for short time period with some particular quoted mottoes. Starbucks (Briscoe and Schuler 2004) is an example of adopting such strategy in business internationally.(Schuler et al 2003) Two or more parent farms which deeply invest resources as well as financial momentum to convince particular aims that introduced International joint ventures(IJVs) which are different organizational entities both in legal and economical perspectives. Manufacturing and foreign joint venture; licensing and joint venture; franchising and joint venture are example of combination market entry strategies. Licensing and joint ventures are the strategies that applied with Starbucks international. Mostly the stores located in USA are owned under corporation, other than USA the stores are under corporation or owned partially in joint ventures (Alexandrides and Bowers2005).   Licensing   Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   Manufacturing or marketing someones good(s) for international business success depends on licensing rights. The basic way of entering in new location of business through showing positivity to the binding of contract .Such as; licensing the goods, technology help to other farm and absolute services. In return for royalty payment; the corporation sells a particular right to introduce and advertise the good under these criteria. Starbucks does not need to undertake any monetary actions for partnership investment under this particular method. It is an amicable way to get access in international market. Starbucks can also benefit from granting license to a licensee that is more familiar with the market.  [5]  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   Entry strategies in action: Strategic alternative options for Starbucks: Having analysed the external and internal forces of Starbucks it is now possible to generate three possible future strategic decisions. These strategies will be analysed thoroughly before one of them is recommended as the best way forward. The options I have chosen to analyse are Diversification, Mergers and Expansion. If a business is in diversification, it starts making new products or contribution new services. Businesses can diversify in two ways; related and unrelated. I propose Starbucks attempt related diversification; by this I mean diversification reflecting some connection with the organisations activities. Starbucks is successful in appropriate development method or not: The path chosen by Starbucks is the appropriate way to expand the business globally considering every aspects and expertise of the business. Strategy like licensing and joint venture helped to uplift the quality and service of Starbucks. As mentioned earlier Starbucks adopts the partnership method with a local experienced farm. This method delivers vast opportunities to scrutinise the local consumers more closely. As a result it was easy to cope up with the local consumers expectations and inject success in the business. Alternative methods might be suitable for the company: Strategy like franchising or cross-selling can be elected by Starbucks when entering in a new region. It is more licensing alike. Company like McDonalds which represents the perfect example of franchising. In the scenario of McDonalds, the real company allows franchising terms to other current farms to deliver their goods. Other than North America every business of Starbucks is owned partially. On the other hand, McDonalds is a representation of franchising which is owned by separate corporations. Starbucks may adopt method like franchising. In the franchising method, the relation is more parallel between both parties. In this strategy the franchisee is more controlled by the franchisor.    Starbucks use of different methods in different markets: While entering markets the strategy may vary place to place. Before making any further entry to a new market a company must keep certain countable factors to make the investment successful. Internal as well as external facts should not be ignored. Starbucks does assessments like ethical, economical, sociological, industrial positioning and other factors. There are three important groups of facts which are assessed prior accessing in a new market. Environment of business in that very country, environment of home country and important factors of company are the must do three. Political stability of business, conditions like macroeconomics, potentiality of resources, size of the market and internal economical relation are included in host country environment. Factors like expansion of foreign economy, conditions of market and government positivity towards foreign exchange are included in host country environment. Resources of company and capabilities of the farm are included under compa ny specific environment.    Development Mode can be combined with other Expansion Methods: Starbucks believes to accumulate different methods to inject success in the business. It adopts the licensing strategy to ensure the quality of the product and services are good enough to please the consumers. Licensing is the way of expanding and at the same time; joint venture applies for the growth or development of the business. Starbucks scrutinises the external countable factors at the entry level of new locations. On the basis of three must do assessments; it considers the strategies that should be undertaken. The best locations and targets are chosen on the result of the analytical assessments. The success of the business depends on the entry level strategy and operation of assessments. The success of the business does not only a result of best location; it is also a accumulated events of proper planning, entry level operation and funding. The home country methods generally come along with the strategies named Corporate and business level.  [6]   Starbucks joint venture and strategic alliance: Starbucks need for joint ventures and strategic alliance to move forward: In 2004, Starbucks was operating in more than 25 countries but now they are operating more than 50 countries around the glove. There are many advantages in being part of a joint venture. Through joint ventures it is possible to gather knowledge about the countrys culture, language, political system, and business systems.  [7]  They are already holding strong joint ventures with good strategic alliance in different countries in the world. They have established strong reputed brand image of their product. They are now getting full culture support from different countries by understanding the need for people, which reflect their good strategy in business. If we compare with the current market situation, we found that their consumptions of coffee is around 50% in Europe with in big tradition of coffee consumption in people And they are good in gaining market share. In Asian market coffee consumption is around 15% with high market impending. Starbucks dont need joint expansion of vent ures because of high dominating power in current international market with established brand name and image. They have huge manpower as well and high standing reputation in the market and they dont need to spend more on advertising.  [8]   Starbucks are now as a top level company in the world and also they are paying high salaries and benefits to their employees. Further if they will go for joint venture their might have the possibility of losing customers. Employees who they are working now do not feel to leave because their way of treating is very friendly with employees by maintaining high standard. They already have strong strategies and good product innovation system because of good holdings in the market. Starbucks are now selling ice cream outside of their different stores and super markets; they are getting good response from there, just because of their established brand name. Starbucks are continuously developing their strategies for running business in different countries around the globe and with high effectiveness. They are also spending more on value chain recruitment and payment to customer service. Starbucks are now finding new locations for the business and their business plans, mission, aims and corporate social responsibilities these all they doing from the part of good strategy they have. Without these they cant move forward and cannot be competitive in the market as well. Factors that can lead to Starbucks success: Innovation Through inducing of environmental friendly products Customer safety maintain Store facilities should be improved Some steps should be taken on-Need employee motivation through incentives and job satisfaction as well. The location of their company must be strategic. They also need to improve corporate social responsibilities though helping farmers in their livelihood as well as their houses, irrigation system etc. The company have focus on pricing strategies by comparing demand of product. They will have to focus on neglected customer and need research on tea speciality market.  [9]   Conclusion: Starbucks has now become leading multi-national company in the world by operating more than 50 countries in the world though establishing a leading global brand. Globally they are established and running their business effectively. They also change the concept of coffee shop into different manner like it can be meeting place, dating place or business place. My research: In 1971, Starbucks started their journey and now they are operating more than 50 countries in the world. Their total number of store is about 16,706 in 16000 locations around the world. Most of them 8850 stores are operated by the company and the rest of them are licensed store. In 2004, Starbucks was operating in more than 25 countries but now they are operating more than 50 countries around the glove. There are many advantages in being part of a joint venture. Through joint ventures it is possible to gather knowledge about the countrys culture, language, political system, and business systems. They are now getting full culture support from different countries by understanding the need for people, which reflect their good strategy in business. If we compare with the current market situation, we found that their consumptions of coffee is around 50% in Europe with in big tradition of coffee consumption in people And they are good in gaining market share. In Asian market coffee consump tion is around 15% with high market impending. Starbucks are now as a top level company in the world and also they are paying high salaries and benefits to their employees. Further if they will go for joint venture their might have the possibility of losing customers. Employees who they are working now do not feel to leave because their way of treating is very friendly with employees by maintaining high standard. They already have strong strategies and good product innovation system because of good holdings in the market. Starbucks are continuously developing their strategies for running business in different countries around the globe and with high effectiveness. They are also spending more on value chain recruitment and payment to customer service. Starbucks are now finding new locations for the business and their business plans, mission, aims and corporate social responsibilities these all they doing from the part of good strategy they have. Without these they cant move forward a nd cannot be competitive in the market as well. To be successful in future Starbucks should focus on employee motivation through incentives and their job satisfaction as well. The location of their company must be strategic. They also need to improve corporate social responsibilities though helping farmers in their livelihood as well as their houses, irrigation system etc. The company have focus on pricing strategies by comparing demand of product.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Corporate Downsizing Essays -- essays research papers

Downsizing has become an extremely popular strategy in today’s business environment. Companies began downsizing in the late 1970’s to cut costs and improve the bottom line (Mishra et al., 1998). The term â€Å"downsizing† was coined to describe the action of dismissing a large portion of a company’s workforce in a very short period of time. According to online encyclopedia downsizing refers to â€Å"layoffs initiated by a company in order to cut labor costs by reducing the size of the company.† Downsizing became a familiar management mantra in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s. In fact, three million jobs were lost between 1989 and 1998 (Mishra et al., 1998). More than 350,000 jobs were lost in 2001 (DeSouza & Donaldson, 2002). Downsizing has become almost a way of life for U.S. companies. Typically, the first round of job cuts are followed by a second round of cuts a short time later. Not everyone agrees with t he reasoning behind downsizing. According to an article in the Journal of Banking and Financial Services, downsizing is merely â€Å"a short-sighted business strategy motivated by arrogant CEO’s eager to appease shareholders (Unkles, 2001). Others feel downsizing is a necessary tool to ensure business survival in the face of a changing economy. Regardless, the costs of downsizing are high, and the payoffs of downsizing are mixed at best. This paper doesn’t serve as an approach to downsizing, rather, it explores the many aspects of downsizing, from when it’s time to downsize to what steps that can be taken to avoid the process altogether. Corporate Downsizing: An Overview   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are many reasons why a company downsizes. Layoffs began as a way for companies to offset a decline in earnings, but quickly became a popular practice even in companies that were doing well financially. A 1994 survey by the American Management Association found that two-thirds of all workers who were laid off were college-educated, salaried employees (Downs, 1995). Today, the term downsizing is used to refer to a narrow effort to reduce the workforce and also to broaden efforts to improve work systems or redesign the total organization. Companies may downsize to increase capital, as a result of a merge with another company (where additional staff are not needed), poor cash flow (which results in payroll issues), changes in technology, and lastly due to a chang... ...k Enterprise. Retrieved April 22, 2009, from Downs, A. (2005). Corporate executions: the ugly truth about layoffs-how corporate greed is shattering lives, companies, and communities. New York: AMACOM-American Management Association. Hoskisson, R., & Hitt, M. (2004). Downscoping: How to tame the diversified firm. Oxford University PR on Demand. Krepps, M. (2007). Industrial inefficiency and downsizing: A study of layoff and plant closures. New York: Garland Publishing. Mishra, K. E., Spreitzer, G. M., & Mishra, A. K. (2008, Winter). Preserving employee morale during downsizing. Sloan Management Review. Unkles, j. (2009). The downside of downsizing: after almost a decade of surging economic growth and booming share markets, many corporate and financial managers are getting their first look at a downturn in the business cycle. Journal of Banking and Financial Services, 115(6), 2. Retrieved April 22, 2009, from Baker College Web Site: Zimmerman, E. (2007, November). Why deep layoffs hurt long-term recovery (HR's tools for recovery). Workforce. Retrieved April 20, 2009, from

Monday, November 11, 2019

Operation Management Essay

Hard Rock uses these ten critical decisions of operational management; â€Å"Service and product design, Quality management, Process and capacity design, Location, Layout design/Job design, Supply-chain management, Inventory management, Scheduling and Maintenance†. These practices give the Hard Rock Cafe an edge in meeting new and growing needs of the restaurant, and entertainment industry. The service and product design Hard Rock sells is not just food, it’s a statement and a storied culture that has changed with time as we do as people. The â€Å"living on the edge† crowd of the 1980s can still live a little on the edge today in a Hard Rock restaurant, casino or even in a rock concert. The company is selling the feeling of still being a rebel. Hard Rock Cafe has grown into a successful industry that was once limited to a twenty something budget to grow with the wallets of the generation that gave birth to it. The quality management has been a key factor providing an environment that people want to continue to come back to. High quality products such as gourmet food, quality merchandise, and excellent service have kept the Hard Rock from dying. The individual sight managers alongside with the overall operation managers are responsible for maintaining the high quality products and environment that people expect to find there. Hard Rocks process and capacity design along with location selection are chosen based on high population areas with specific geographic requirements to ensure a large volume of customers. The location chosen requires a high capacity facility that is capable of serving its large number of customers. This is accomplished not just by size but by layout design and the efficient flow of  product and delivery of that product. That product flow along with a good human resources and job design are a crucial part of managing a Hard Rock. The management of the supply-chain and inventory/material is another essential part of Hard Rocks success. Managers have to purchase the correct equipment and supplies needed to efficiently produce the high quality products and take into account how much inventory is required and when to restock. This takes good data analysis and continually requires review to ensure proper inventory of supplies at all times. Lastly, managers need to take into account intermediate and short-term scheduling along with when to perform maintenance on equipment and facilities. Planning on high business times of the year managers can schedule preventative maintenance during the slower parts of the year. In the same way they can schedule part time employees to accommodate the influx of customers during busier parts of the year. Works Cited Professor Barry Render, J. H. (2013). Case Analysis on the Hard Rock Cafe. Trident University.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Societal Impact on Fixed Value Systems

Societal Impact on Fixed Value Systems Free Online Research Papers Societal Impact on Fixed Value Systems The dynamic of values subjected through the mind set of individuals directly is a result of the consequences of the environment we are subjected to. Effective relationships with a myriad set of vendors, customers, stakeholders and clients requires applying basic ethical principles when associating and forming linkages with people and organizations that can have an effect on your life and livelihood. I intend to explore how my own personal constitution is the bedrock upon which value judgments are decided. Culture emanates from a set of moral principles that guide and shape our values. Cultural and personal values are shaped in our formative years, providing a guide to the nature of our identity and how we identify with others in a social context. Being responsible, and virtuous or true necessitates adherence to laws and norms that govern aspects of our interactive behavior. Therefore, cultural behavior is shaped by cultural, organizational and personal values. These values then, define the ways in which we interact on a professional scale, whether in the workplace or the community. We are not only creatures of habit- our fundamental principles shape and guide the decisions that we make that are most functional and palatable to us. In part, the rationale for justifying learned, agreed and patterned states of behavior is based on not only obeying the law because we have to, but laws in and of themselves do not constitute ethical behavior. The law and principles that are established could be argued are standards for ethics, but only in a free society where laws are established by the consent of the governed. Societies that have no barriers between church and state apply no official sanction for what is considered wrong or right and justice can be metered out by the state, the community, or the family. Hence, individuals are responsible for their actions, but not their decisions. In this society we are subject to the whims of popular discourse, new regulations, outdated laws that no longer apply and the like. People routinely leave their children in hot cars in the summer, not realizing it is dangerous or against the law now. Others don’t follow township regulations and water their grass on uneven days, for example. The rude fan at the football game who spills a cup of beer on you while cheering or the lady who refuses to take off her hat in church don’t realize that it sometimes is not them, but you who face the consequences of shame and/or disillusionment because a) that is not my team or b) you don’t speak on a lady’s fashion at church. I do not presuppose that laws are made to be broken but some in our society have taken to a fundamentally individual focus on extremism. Without regard to practicality and common sense, ever since I became culturally aware and more socially conscious, I have noticed this subtle shift in attitudes to a more sub strata type of co existence in my society. From Hollywood stereotyping during the exploitative filmmaking era of the 1970s that characterized young African American men and women as hustlers, pimps and hookers; to the gangsta rap era of drive bys, drug sales and casual sex, I have witnessesed and experienced firsthand the novelty of freedom of expression but the despair and distraughtness over the realities of unencumbered free association. For example Gordon from Sesame Street was one of the most stereotypical black Hollywood actors as a pimp and a hustler, yet progressed career wise into a paternal father-uncle figure to children once he received a measure of success. Just last week personally I was going to get beat up by a friend of my brother’s who kept impaling me with ideas like ‘everythi ng in life ain’t all about school’, ‘you act like but you don’t know you(‘re) a ‘God’, a reference by members of the Nation of Gods and Earths that men are gods and women are earths. I had had these issues before, up until about 15 years old in school and until about 25 ‘on the street’. Now that most of my peers have matured, little of this subjugation based on education remains but is often taken for granted to not speak on educational attainment as an unspoken show of mutual respect to those who have learned how to survive in the street or as a form of endearment to elders who may have had to work hard and struggle to provide for us without the benefits an education brings. The focus, instead is material and expressive. It focuses on the ‘bling’ or flashy jewelry, money, cars, fine homes and other aspects that satisfy our basic needs of food, clothing and shelter as espoused by Maslow, but are more of a status symbol of what one is able to get away with, by any means, (but not necessary). According to Nonis, Sarath, Swift, Cathy O. (2001), for example, situational factors may cause different value dimensions to have more or less of an influence in different contexts. Sometimes this manifests itself in many unusual ways of socializing, such as going to work in Grosse Pointe watching customers grab their kids, purses, bags, lock their cars and all that while I have several degrees, 2 jobs, volunteer in the community and seek support and investment. But does it justify the manager who socializes with the line staff, playing video games and chasing women while on the clock, because the most efficient team is on the floor? Or how about the six year veteran of the company who takes a little here and there from donations to a non profit organization, because oh, they’re all millionaires (founders, sponsors or benefactors) and they won’t miss a few grand. Byrd (2005) suggests students so often think of themselves as powerless that they neglect to look at their lives in terms of the decisions they have made. They do not see that one bad decision can transform them from a student with friends, a car and a room of their own to a lonely individual in a ten-by-twelve cell. We must accept that humility and a willingness to listen should form the basis for rational decision making. Filtering out extraneous messages and delineating the best course of action is a consequence of correct behavior. For example, who wouldn’t jaywalk to catch a fleeing bus or to hail a passing taxi? Only by peaceful nonviolent protest for example, can we petiton city hall or picket unfair labor practices. However, jostling in line to get great tickets to the big game or sleeping outside the electronics store to get a free laptop may be fraught with insecurities and uncertainties about what standards we accept as ethical or right. Imagine the dilemma faced by a social worker who won’t tell a young girl’s parents that she is pregnant. Confidentiality agreements and codes of ethics regulate us and hinder the capacity for freedom of thought and action. What if that same worker pressured a physician to perform an abortion to save face, money and attentio n given to the matter all the way around? Some of the principles we learned I felt assumed we always base our relationships with people based on our core cultural values. That is, expectations will be set before you even speak with someone, or form an opinion about their behavior, or characteristics that may or may not have been acquired or acquiesced but on existential traits that cant be truths only hypotheses. I recently got my first 76 in the mystery shop score, a tool our organization (Staples) uses to measure customer satisfaction. The customer complained I had bad karma. But my super had us hustling to clean up and make the store more attractive to ostensibly cover him when the corporate VP came by for a visit. I brought the issue up to my super because I wanted to show that I found out about it and understood that he was held responsible for such a gaffe that I had never had any issue with before. But our organizations core values place the focus on team to the public, but the responsibibility on the individual (i.e. what if this got in the news, what would your mother think). Responsibility carries with it an awesome measure of power that can influence the way people think. The only consequence, therefore is whether or not we can assess how fair in our dealings, tradings, selling and promotion we can be. Acting out of self determination does not relieve us of our words, ways and actions but external variables can make us creatures of habit, making little conscious effort to remain true to ourselves when living, working and playing within the context of an even larger network of presuppositions, expectations and norms. George Fotis (1996) explains that with balanced self discipline, this person listens, and therefore, communicates well. This individual is tactful and highly persuasive, adapts to new situations and is objective, yet sensitive to the feelings and needs of others. I don’t want to become a bitter old man, waxing paradoxically about what could have been, what breaks I didn’t get, or who wasn’t in my corner. I cant bring back the past, no matter how much I can relive an idyllic lifestyle or wish to bring back 1976. But my community, my religion, my company, my country, my school all keep me grounded to the environment that shapes my life. When I decide to run for an office, I know that socially you have to go to the right church, marry the right woman, be raised in the right family and have the right politics, I have no problem with that, nor with stating any differences I have with any subgenre of those issues. But when I feel that I have measured what I have to give I want to follow Tait’s example, †¦the true role of public servants is not just to serve â€Å"customers† but also to balance the interests and preserve the rights of citizens. For this perspective, renewal of the public service does not mean choosing between the â€Å"traditional† and â€Å"new† values. Rather, serving the public interest in some instances, means finding the appropriate balance between them. References and Citations Byrd, Ronald E. (2005). Decision-Making. Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute, curriculum unit 80.06.03. Retrieved October 11, 2005 from Colero, Larry., visited October 14, 2005. Fotis, George W. Management Review. New York: Dec 1996. Volume 85, Issue 12; pg. 46, 2 pages. Nonis, Sarath, Swift, et al., (May/Jun 2001). Personal Value Profiles and Ethical Business Decisions. Journal of Education for Business, 08832323, 8 pages. Tait, J. (1997). A strong foundation: Report of the Task Force on Publis Service Values and Ethics (the summary). Canadian Public Administration/ Administration publique du Canada, 40, 1-22. Research Papers on Societal Impact on Fixed Value SystemsComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementRelationship between Media Coverage and Social and19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalDefinition of Export QuotasInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeThree Concepts of Psychodynamic

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

20 Criminology Research Paper Topics on Criminal Behavior

20 Criminology Research Paper Topics on Criminal Behavior If you are tasked with writing a research paper on the field of criminal behavior, there are many areas of study and theories for behavior which you can use as a topic. However, picking criminology research paper topics is still somewhat tricky given the massive amount of data out there. That being said, below is a list of 20 criminology research paper topics which you might find useful when writing your next paper: Why the Examination of Criminal Behavior Helps to Handle and Prevent Crimes How Criminologists can Reduce Types of Crime with Criminal Behavior How Criminologists can Reduce High Levels of Crime Studying Criminal Behavior The Validity of the Rational Choice Theory Why Rational Choice Theory is Invalid The Relationship between Social Disorganization Theory and Social Learning Theory How Prison Encourages Social Learning Theory The Validity of Social Disorganization Theory Why Social Disorganization Theory is Invalid The Relationship between Social Control Theory and Social Disorganization Theory How Social Control Theory is Influenced by Social Disorganization Theory The Validity of Self-Control Theory of Crime Why Strain Theory is Invalid The Validity of Social Learning Theory Why Social Learning Theory is Invalid The Scientific Validity of Labeling Theory The Influence of Evolutionary Rewards on Violent Crime How Mental Illness Encourages Criminal Behavior Harmful Brain Chemistry: How the Brain can Increase Crime The Biology of Criminal Behavior: Whether or Not it is All in the Genes Aren’t those interesting criminology research paper topics? Well that’s not all because this great piece of material is also accompanied by the criminology research paper facts and also a guide on this very topic and paper genre. Below you will find an example essay written on one of the topics from that list. Sample Research Paper: The Validity of Self-Control Theory of Crime The self-control theory of crime is a criminological theory which focuses on individual self-control as a factor behind the commitment of crimes. This theory suggests that people who weren’t parented for before they reach the age of 8 have less self-control compared to those who were parented well at the same age. However, there are correlations between levels of self-control and the impulse for criminal conduct. Originally this theory was developed by two criminologists but today has been subject to theoretical debate and other empirical literature which has expounded upon the ideas purported in this theory and claimed it to be limited in terms of understanding criminal behavior. Originally the theory of self-control was an idea stemming from bonding theory. This theory of self-control was based upon the observation of the behavior and age. By 1990 this theory had gained popularity because of its empirical observations.   The two theorists behind this idea recorded that self-control was an important factor behind people who commit crimes. Individual’s self-control is something which improves with age but can be influenced by socialization, the loss of control one might say, and changing biology as a result of hormonal development. Additionally, criminal acts might be short-sighted or opportunistic. This theory shares similar attributes to the theory of ego depletion. One which focuses on the idea that people are more highly motivated to satisfy their immediate desires and pleasures around. This theory can be traced to aspects of self-control from a psychological perspective.   It was Freud who established the idea of self-control through the reality principle and the pleasure principle. These two principles referred to the each person’s desires for immediate gratification and the ability of each person to delay that gratification. Individuals have to learn the necessity of delaying gratification, something which they are taught by their parents as they grow up. Part of the reason they must delay gratification was because of the obstacles they face in real life. Somebody wants to immediately have cash or a random purchase have to delay the gratification of that purchase based upon whether or not they have cash in their bank account. They cannot impulsively make a purchase if they dont have the money now or can acquire the money through illegal means. This is something which is taught by parents and based upon the self-control theory, taught by the age of 8.   Those individuals who are not effectively parented and are not taught that they must delay gratification based on the reality of their situation, are significantly more prone to committing certain crimes in order to obtain that gratification. Following these basic principles the idea of self-control refers to the ability of each person to delay immediate gratification in order to reach bigger goals. This can be compared to the idea of a child who wants money for candy but rather than stealing that money and enjoying immediate gratification from the candy, they delay that gratification so that they can stay out of jail and achieve all of their goals they have in mind which might later on lead to a lot of candy. This theory presents a loss of control and characteristic for criminal behavior something which can be acute or chronic.   Acute low self-control means that it is not typical of the individual and it is something which happens only once. This might happen when a child is incredibly hungry and chooses to steal a piece of candy due to the hunger, something which they would not normally do. But chronic low self-control is when an individual participates in such activities regularly, something which becomes a central component to their life. In addition to this, a some supporting theory states that self-control reduces in large groups and in large communities more so than in the individual. This is something colloquially referred to as peer pressure, in which an individual who might normally not exhibit low self-control is influenced by the loss of control of the individuals around them which leads to participation in group criminal activities. While this theory does have a strong foundation in psychology it is clearly not comprehensive enough to thoroughly understand and mitigate the high risk of criminal behavior.   It has been argued that the major weakness to this is the fact that self-control was not defined separately from the tendency to conduct crime. By not doing this individually, the authors suggest that low self-control and a propensity to engage in criminal activities are one and the same. References: Culliney, T.W. Notes On Predatory Behavi Our In Rhinacloa Forticornis (Hemiptera: Miridae ).  Curr. Agri. Res. Jour  2.1 (2014): 01-04. Web. Hagan, Frank E.  Introduction To Criminology. Print. Kudlac, Christopher S.  Fair Or Foul. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Praeger/ABC-CLIO, 2010. Print. Lee, Jason W and Jeffrey C Lee.  Sport And Criminal Behavior. Durham, N.C.: Carolina Academic Press, 2009. Print. Walsh, A and Jonathan Bolen.  The Neurobiology Of Criminal Behavior. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 2012. Print. Wasserman, David T and Robert Samuel Wachbroit.  Genetics And Criminal Behavior. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2001. Print. Yaffe, Gideon. In Defense Of Criminal Possession.  Criminal Law and Philosophy  (2014): n. pag. Web.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Comparative International Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Comparative International Management - Essay Example el is closer to the model of collectivism  described by Hofstede  which leads to find some features of Rhineland capitalism in other cultural contexts, whether Asian or North American. Rhine model of capitalism does not support American ideas of individualistic goals and ruthless corporate entities; rather it places great emphasis on strengthening social cohesion. Rhineland model believes in a harmonious collaboration between governments, workers and employers. Anglo-Saxon Model The Anglo-Saxon neoliberalism was coined in 1930s which appeared in contrast to the then prevailing Fabian socialism. Anglo-Saxon represents a neo-liberal social and economic model of democratic intervention in the economy. In Anglo-Saxon model, the planning of the economic process is assigned to the utopian social engineering. In Anglo-Saxon model government intervention leads to increasing restriction of individual freedom through authoritarian orders, prohibitions and regulations (Nobes, 2003). The res triction of economic freedom is not separable from the restriction of political freedom. Comparative Analysis of the Two Economic Models Albert (1991) is of the opining that major differentiation exists between two types of capitalism – the Anglo-Saxon capitalism and the Rhineland capitalism.  The Anglo-Saxon capitalism is presented by Albert (1999) as extremely liberal, based only on criteria of supply and demand.  The shareholders are the law firms, and they only want one thing: profitability.  Whatever the means, the key is to maximize profits, even if only to see that in the short term.  The Anglo-Saxon capitalism does not accommodate regulations that prevent companies have their way.  That is why Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan have both worked to deregulate the economy at all... The paper critically evaluated the argument of Albert that Anglo-Saxon model will ultimately outperform the superior Rhine model. The analysis of these arguments is carried out in the context of economic theories and work of other prominent economists and researchers. It is concluded that Rhine model has been traditionally supported by thinkers because it stands on a moral high ground making it necessary for the society to look after the interest of the individual and to provide safety framework for weaker components of the society. Yet, Anglo-Saxon model is found to outperform Rhine model due to individual drive and motivation for gaining personal benefits. Thus, the thesis of Albert is supported by contemporary economic research and it is found that Anglo-Saxon model is anticipated to outperform Rhine model. This paper makes a conclusion that the progress of individualism finds expression in the demographic decline of the Rhine countries. The consequences were disastrous for the economy in every way and it destroys the basis of social solidarity and community. Under Rhine model of capitalism, governments are almost always afraid of being misunderstood and insecure in the face validity of the measures coming into question. Along with the influence of individualization, there are losses caused by trade unions and collective bargaining. According to Albert, this economic model produces less productivity because it is characterized by traditional career plans in favor of clear success-oriented career opportunities following the American example of the young graduates.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Innovation and Managemnt of Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Innovation and Managemnt of Change - Essay Example Furthermore, structure is also a means to high-performing teams. Mindful awareness to structure and roles in teams will make the team much more successful. When it comes to leadership, structural leadership contributes a critical role in shaping organizations. It can be influential and stable, even though it is more restrained and less heroic leadership compared on other frames. Upon the entrance of Nardelli in Home Depot, there were major changes in hiring of new employees. Nardelli, wants to hire people with military background, ex militaries or even the wives of military officers (Pascual, 2001). Because for him they have a sufficient training and great leadership skills. For Nardelli, . A leader should be credible for him to lead. In addition to this characteristic, a leader should possess honesty, competence, aspiration, and a forward-looking approach. In the business point of view, good leadership proves to be quite beneficial. Good leadership aids in effectively meeting job-related demands, in creating higher-performing teams, in fostering renewed loyalty and commitment, in increasing motivational level and in reducing absenteeism and turnover of employees. Unfortunately, this so-called effective leadership is not that easy to attain; effective management is not as easy as writing down notes. Good leadership entails a lot of hard work, dedication, an d many other factors (Revelle, 2003). This is the reason why there should be proper management flow within the organization. Since an organization's culture is about how much members trust each other, about attitudes and emotions and their impact on team performance, organizations are defined best in these terms and in ideas like change, trust, cohesion, conformity and adaptability. The importance of high work life quality through good supervision, working conditions, pay and benefits as well as challenging and rewarding jobs. As such, it is apparent that the employees need to avail of the opportunities of developing their skills further and enriching their knowledge through the training programs and exercises that their company invests on (Maeir, 2003). As leaders and managers, managing the information that the company uses in its daily operations is crucial in any business organization. Information is the blood stream of every company on which every staff; employee and supervisor work on to be able to meet the demands of the clients and customers of the business. In addition, culture and environment of an organization tend to play a large role in determining structure (Scholosser, 2004). For example, more formal, bureaucratic organizations tend to have formal structures, while less formal organizations often choose flatter structures with dispersed responsibilities. Basically, social interaction is the main essence of living. People gain knowledge of themselves and those with whom they interact based on many characteristics that become salient based on their cultural framework. For example, to an American the car that one drives has symbolic significance, whereas to an Indian, schooling is an important sign of position and status. It is through various types of social interactions that all people define themselves within their social community, and this self-definition lies at the very heart of human endeavor. People struggle with a desire